伴随著(zhe)中國酒店(diàn)客戶重心從商務向個(gè)人(rén)旅遊轉移,休閑度假酒店(diàn)将是未來(lái)酒店(diàn)的(de)發展方向。 作爲度假酒店(diàn)重要設計内容之一的(de)景觀設計,其價值與作用(yòng)也(yě)越發引起酒店(diàn)投資者與消費者的(de)重視。 爲了(le)取得(de)度假酒店(diàn)的(de)建築形象與環境和(hé)諧統一的(de)美(měi)學效果,必須充分(fēn)體現所在地自然景觀的(de)美(měi)學特征,調動一切藝術手段,創造出和(hé)當地現有景點渾然一體的(de)酒店(diàn)建築與景觀。 同時(shí),度假酒店(diàn)設計應盡量滲透、融入到周圍優越的(de)自然環境中去,使入住其中的(de)旅客能夠與周圍環境達到物(wù)我相契、情景交融的(de)最高(gāo)境界。
"Landscape design" (also known as landscape architecture) refers to the overall consideration and design of the surrounding environmental elements, including natural and artificial elements, in the process of architectural design or planning and design. Make the building (group) and the natural environment have a echo relationship, make it achieve visual effect, human body feel comfortable, improve its overall artistic value.
With the shift of customer focus from business to personal travel, leisure resort hotels will be the future direction of hotel development. As one of the important design contents of the resort hotel, the value and function of the landscape design has attracted more and more attention of the hotel investors and consumers. In order to achieve the aesthetic effect of harmony between the architectural image and the environment of the resort hotel, it is necessary to fully embody the aesthetic characteristics of the natural landscape, mobilize all artistic means, and create a hotel building and landscape integrated with the existing local attractions. At the same time, resort hotel design should try to infiltrate into the surrounding superior natural environment, so that visitors can live in one of them and the surrounding environment to achieve the highest level of harmony of things and scenes.