彙晟環球酒店(diàn)顧問專家團隊通(tōng)過對(duì)項目的(de)财務分(fēn)析和(hé)估算(suàn),讓投資方預先了(le)解酒店(diàn)項目的(de)投資與收益情況, 并能根據估算(suàn)來(lái)把控土建工程、機電設備、室内裝飾、經營設施等各階段的(de)投資成本,爲投資回報打下(xià)堅實基礎。
The cost of hotel investment includes land, construction, mechanical and electrical, facilities and equipment, interior decoration, garden landscape, supporting construction, as well as financial expenses, tax, personnel salary and other unpredictable expenses during the preparation period, and operating expenses such as labor, hydropower, taxation, procurement of materials and so on. Hotel investment income includes hotel room, entertainment, restaurants, meetings and other business income, and rental, sales, retail and other non-business income, as well as part of the sale of property rights, property appreciation and other income.
Through financial analysis and estimation of the project, Huisheng Global Hotel Consulting Expert Team enables investors to understand the investment and income of the hotel project in advance, and to control the investment costs of civil engineering, mechanical and electrical equipment, interior decoration, operating facilities and other stages according to the estimation, laying a solid foundation for investment returns.